diumenge, 31 de juliol del 2011


Today has been a very good day in Sydney, however we can't feel really happy.
We are not seeing anymore Pat, yesterday she passed away and we will allways remember her.
She was who found her catalan family and came twice to our little country. It's for her that we are now in Australia. She made a link between relatives in Catalunya and in Australia.
It has been all faster that expected but now she's not in pain anymore. 
We will allways remember the brave woman who came to Europe to travel and to met her relatives. The brave woman who didn´t stop until she discovered what she want. And we will try to do what she said us last time we saw her at hospital "Enjoy as much as you can".

3 comentaris:

quimet carpenter ha dit...

Dears mireia and jesus,
send our most sincelery condolences to pat's family.
she was a brave woman indeed and she mad a deep impact in our hearth and soul also.
cristina sabria i quim fuste

quimet carpenter ha dit...

Estimats jesus i mireia
feu arribar el nostre mes sincer condol als familiars i amics de la pat.
Realment ha estat una dona molt valenta.
Pensem que ha fet realitat el seu darrer desig amb discrecio i coratge, coneixer la seva familia de ultramar...
quim, cristina i familia.

jesús ha dit...

No patiu, quan els tornem a veure a Brisbane els ho farem saber. Però no tingueu cap dubte que ja ho saben.

Records de la Mireia i en Jesús!