dissabte, 30 de juliol del 2011

English post

Some of you have asked us to write some post in english. And today I'm doing it.

English post. It's funny because aussi people don't want to we called english, they say that they are not english, they are aussi or australian. Then english post it's not a post to talk about australian people.

A relative told us a story about this. He was travelling with his wife and they were in a organised trip. In this trip it was people from different nationalities. I don't remember why but the driver was calling people from their nationalities in order to go out, and aussi people were the last one. When it was only aussi people in the bus, the driver said "Now english people", and nobody went out, and some seconds later someone said "are you talking to us" and the driver said "yes" and they said "We are not english". For them their identity is a really important thing because they don't have lot of history and it's very hard to get a identity.

Since today I may write some posts, and I'll try to do it in english. This trip is very special for many reasons, and one of them is to improve our english, we have done an english course and of course we need to practise our writing, forgive me if I don't write in the best way and I do some mistakes.

Today we begin the second part of our journey, I hope it will be the best one, that's travelling around Australia! I feel so excited about this, and today night we'll arive to Sydeny! Everyone told us that's a great city.

1 comentari:

Victòria Oliu ha dit...

Fantastic! Its a very good English, I think. Love you. (la mama)