dimecres, 21 de setembre del 2005

Fa un temps va aparèixer un grup musical que feia del fet de no tenir bateria un emblema del grup. Uns quants anys després, aquest grup ha traït els seus orígens i ha incorporat un bateria al grup. Per què? Només cal que aneu a treballar a les set del matí, mig adormit, i que soni per la ràdio del cotxe aquesta cançó. Us juro que us despertareu del tot; i entendreu perquè van incorporar el bateria.

Do you have the time, To listen to me whine,
About nothing and everything all at once?
I am one of those,
Melodramatic fools,
Neurotic to the bone,
No doubt about it.

Sometimes I give myself the creeps,
Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me,
It all keeps adding up,
I think I'm breaking up,
Am I just paranoid?
Am I just stoned?

I went to a shrink,
To analyze my dreams,
She says it's lack of sex thats bringing me down.
I went to a whore,
He said my life's a bore,
So quit my whining cause its bringing her down.

Sometimes I give myself the creeps,
Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me,
It all keeps adding up,
I think I'm breaking up,
Am I just paranoid?
Ah, Yuh, Yuh...

Grasping to control...
So I better hold on...

Sometimes I give myself the creeps,
Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me,
It all keeps adding up,
I think I'm breaking up,
Am I just paranoid?
I'm not sure...

Basket Case, Green Day, Dookie, 1994